The Noise - John Foxx news

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Metal Beat - John Foxx discography

John Foxx discography

Dislocation - John Foxx biography

About John Foxx

Plaza - reviews and features

Reviews and features

Video links

Touch and Go - John Foxx links

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With thanks to...

Rob Harris, Steve Malins, Cerise Reed, Louis Gordon, Ed Fielding, Peter, Gem, Brian, Garry, Martin, Howard and most of all John Foxx for his inspirational music.

Photographic credits

C.P. Gabrin (Metamatic/No-One Driving/Modern Art images)


I’ve always been happy to hear from other fans of John Foxx from around the globe, however I am no longer publicising my email address here due to the large amounts of spam! Therefore I can usually be found lurking around the forums.

Alex S

Touch and Go

Official John Foxx websites

Metamatic - the official John Foxx website

John Foxx and the Maths

Official Facebook page

John Foxx on Twitter

The Quiet Man

The official Cathedral Oceans website

Tiny Colour Movies official site

Official YouTube page

By the same author...

The Light Dream - my personal website of digital artwork, much of which isscience-fiction and fantasy themed. I also have a Facebook page for my artwork.

The Light Dreams Music - since 2006, I have been making my own instrumental electronic music, with Foxx's work being a big influence. To find out more, follow the links below:

Facebook page

The Light Dreams on LastFM

The Light Dreams on Reverbnation