The Noise - John Foxx news

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Metal Beat - John Foxx discography

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Dislocation - John Foxx biography

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Plaza - reviews and features

Reviews and features

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On the plaza

The Plaza - Features, reviews and interviews

25.10.11 John Foxx and the Maths live
The Interplay tour comes to York...

10.10.11 Interview – Ed Fielding
Quiet City questions for music photographer, Ed Fielding

07.10.11 Review - Gary Numan's Dead Son Rising
Long-time Numan fan Alex Storer, gives his verdict on Gary's latest album

Archive: 2006-08


29/04/07 Interview with Steve Malins
Journalist, writer and PR guru Steve Malins talks to Quiet City about his work with John Foxx

17/04/07 Interview with Louis Gordon
John Foxx's bouncy partner in crime discusses his work with the quiet man

Live reviews

By Alex Storer
The Quiet Man live in Leeds 07/11/08
Tiny Colour Movies Live In Leeds 10/11/07
Cathedral Oceans live in Leeds 03/11/06
John Foxx and Louis Gordon live in Sheffield 24/07/06
John Foxx and Louis Gordon live in Sheffield 09/12/03

By Mark Oakley
Cathedral Oceans III at Durham Arts Festival, June 2008

By Matt Cutler
One Night in Adelaide – John Foxx in Australia, May 2008

By Garry Hensey
John Foxx - the Metamatic tour 2007 live at Cargo, London

By Phil Barstow
John Foxx and Louis Gordon live at Fibbers, York, 2003

Ultravox! The John Foxx years

Gem Wheeler takes a detailed look at John Foxx’s time with Ultravox!
Ultravox! - Ha!-Ha!-Ha! - Systems of Romance

Golden Moments

John Foxx fans around the world share their memories