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Metal Beat - John Foxx discography

Since leaving Ultravox in 1979, John Foxx has led a fascinating solo career, which despite a ten-year 'absence' from the music scene, has resulted in a vast and varied back catalogue, including his iconic debut album Metamatic and critically acclaimed albums Crash and Burn and Interplay. Both solo and in collaboration, Foxx's musical career has flourished and he is regarded as one of the most influential figures in the electronic music scene.

Click on the album covers below to find out more about each release.
For more information about John Foxx's single releases, click here.

Metamatic The Garden The Golden Section In Mysterious Ways
Assembly Cathedral Oceans Shifting City Exotour 1997
Exotour The Pleasures of Electricity Crash and Burn
The Drive EP Cathedral Oceans 1 & 2 Translucence & Drift Music GOlden Section Tour & Omnidelic Exotour
Cathedral Oceans III Natio 12 - Electrofear Tiny Colour Movies The Hidden Man
Live From A Room From Trash Sideways
Retro Future A New Kind Of Man Glimmer Impossible
Neuro Video Cinemascope My Lost City A Secret Life
Nighthawks The Shape of Things John Foxx and the Maths Evidence