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A selection of single releases from the Metamatic album - which spent several weeks in the UK album charts, peaking at number 18. The lead single, "Underpass" was released a week before the album was released, and reached number 35.

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"Underpass" UK single release, January 1980

A: Underpass

B: Film One

No-One Driving

"No-One Driving", UK single release, March 1980

Disc one
A: No-One Driving

B: Glimmer

Disc two
A: This City

B: Mr No

Burning Car

"Burning Car" UK single, released June 1980

A: Burning Car

B: 20th Century

A picture disc version was also released (below)

Burning Car picture disc 20th Century
"My Face" flexidisc single - only released with Smash Hits magazine, October 1980.