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John Foxx and Louis Gordon live at the Sheffield Leadmill, Monday 24th July 2006

This was going to be an intimate gig for sure, as John and Louis squeezed themselves on to the tiny stage at the Leadmill, one of Sheffield’s most popular nightclubs and music venues. Foxx had previously been scheduled to play at the Leadmill on The Golden Section tour back in 1983, but the show was cancelled, so this was a long overdue return to the city for Foxx.

They opened the set with a brand new track, with a very atmospheric opening, which was followed by “Walk Away” from The Garden –  there was something incredibly moving and exciting in hearing this particular track played live. They continued to play three brand-new songs, from the forthcoming album, which all sounded magnificent, proving that Foxx still carried the same momentum and energy live on stage.

John and Louis continued to please the crowd with classic tracks such as “Plaza”, “Underpass” and “No-One Driving” from Metamatic, and particular highlights of the show were new arrangements of two old Ultravox tracks, “The Man Who Dies Every Day” and “Slow Motion” - one of my favourite tracks from that early period and the first Foxx track I ever heard.

But sadly, it was all over too soon, with a short set lasting just over an hour, I was left yearning for more.


Intro / And the World Slides Sideways / Walk Away / Friendly Fire / Impossible / A Million Cars / Plaza / No-one Driving / Nightlife / Underpass / The Man Who Dies Everyday / Slow Motion / Shifting City

Review and photographs by Alex Storer